Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Progression of Parn pt. 4 - Random Encounters


The theory here is that certain encounters won't exist off of the roads, or at night, and the modifiers should reflect that.

Parn wilderness encounters - roll d20 -

Add +5 to the roll if you are not on a road.
Add +5 to the roll if the encounter happens at night.
Add +1 to the roll for every mile away you are from town.
  1. d4 merchants (level 0) transporting random essential commodities
  2. d4 merchants (level 0, roadside vendors)
  3. d4+1 merchants (level 0) plus d4 level 1 fighter escorts transporting random commodities
  4. d4+1 merchants (level 0) plus d6 level 1 fighter escorts transporting weapons/armor
  5. d4+1 Felaness traders (level 1 felaness)
  6. Level d4 bard
  7. Level d4 specialist (linguist)
  8. Fortune teller (polymorphed huge gold dragon disguised as an Ash Elf) plus level d4 fighter bodyguard
  9. d8+4 pilgrims (level 0) traversing between shrines/temples/towns
  10. Level d6 cleric + d6+2 religious zealots (level 0 townsfolk)
  11. Level d4 cleric
  12. d4 level 1 specialists (thieves)
  13. Level d6 specialist (thief)
  14. d4 level 1 magic users
  15. Level d6 magic user and level 1 apprentice magic user
  16. Questing knight (level d8 fighter) and squire (level 1 fighter) d6 - 1-4 lawful, 5-6 chaotic
  17. d8+2 Barbarian warband, one is Level d6, another Level d4, all others are level 1
  18. d6+1 Ash Elf warband - leader will be level d6 Ash Elf, others level 1 Elf
  19. d6+3 adventuring party - level d4 fighter, level d4 cleric, level d4 magic user, level d4 specialist, all others level 1, felaness, then ash elf, then barbarian, then bard, then orc
  20. Level d4 magic user (necromancer) with d4 skeleton bodyguards
  21. d4 dire animal pack - d6 1-3 boar, 4-5 wolf, 6 deer (rc 212)
  22. d6 small jellies/slimes
  23. d6 skeletons (rc 204)
  24. d4 zombies (rc 213)
  25. Giant eagle (use roc, rc 202. if night, 1d10 giant bats rc 159)
  26. d2 nymphs
  27. Possessed dire animal - d6 1-2 boar, 3-4 wolf, 5 deer, 6 pangolin
  28. Giant spider and d6 large/human-sized spiders (rc 206)
  29. Succubus with level d6+4 ash elf bodyguard
  30. d8+4 pixies (rc 200)
  31. Hydra (rc 186)
  32. Gelatinous Cube (rc 178)
  33. New vampire (rc 211)
  34. Level d10 Orc
  35. Experienced vampire with d6 skeletons, d4 zombies
  36. Vampire lord, with d3 new vampires
  37. d12+4 Ratmen warband - leader is level d8, three are level d6, rest are level 1.
  38. d6+3 Hardened adventuring party - Level d6+4 fighter, cleric, magic user, and specialist; rest are level 4 felaness, then ash elf, then barbarian, then bard, then orc
  39. d4 small dragons - d6 1 white, 2 blue, 3 black, 4 green, 5-6 red (rc 168)
  40. 2d4 harpies (rc 182)
  41. d3 lava ooze (rc 188)
  42. d6 dryads (rc 174)
  43. d4 Ash Elf hardened expedition: Level d6+4 Ash Elf leader, rest are Level d4+3
  44. 1d6 basilisks (rc 159)
  45. d20+10 barbarian warband, leader is level d6+6, ten champions are level d6, rest are level 1.
  46. 1d2 manticores (rc 192)
  47. 5d8 sprites (rc 208)
  48. 1d8 treants (rc 209)
  49. Lesser djinni (rc 166)
  50. d3 large dragons - d6 1 white, 2 blue, 3 black, 4 green, 5-6 red (rc 168)
  51. 1d8 trolls (rc 210)
  52. Level d6+4 magic user (necromancer) with d20+10 skeletons and d10 zombies
  53. Ghost (rc 182)
  54. d2 huge dragons - d6 1 white, 2 blue, 3 black, 4 green, 5-6 red (rc 168)

It is unlikely that characters will find themselves far enough away from town to trigger rolls above 35. It gets more dangerous as you go out though. 

Parn water encounters - roll d8
Add +2 if the hex does not include any shoreline
Add +2 if the encounter happens at night
  1. d4 townsfolk (level 0) gathering water and/or washing
  2. d2 fishermen, fishing
  3. 1d8 crocodiles (rc 164)
  4. 1d2 giant crabs (rc 164)
  5. 2d20 nixies (rc 197)
  6. d20 mermen (rc 194)
  7. d6 level 1 specialists (thieves) pirates
  8. Giant fish (rc 177)
  9. 1d4 sharks (rc 203)
  10. Whale (rc 212)
  11. Level d4 specialist (thief)
  12. Undine (rc 210)

rc = rules cyclopedia
ash elf = use lotfp elf rules
barbarian, felaness, bard, orc = see blog entries for playtest rules
ratmen = not yet written out, coming eventually

next up: towns and dungeons

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